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Factors such as impaired cell activity, and stagnation in the meridians, lead to essential disorders of vital functions, a person feels discomfort, pain. Therefore, it is necessary to improve and eliminate disorders of essential vital functions and thus restore health. Cell activation stimulates the body to regenerate, clears the meridians, and increases the ability of a person to fight disease.


What is the cell activator?

The device is very easy to use and quick to master, suitable for all family members, safe and comfortable, and eliminates ailments and discomfort in a short time! It is a high-tech device designed to improve cells.


Due to a combination of quantum technology, terahertz radiation and ultra-long wave technology, the operation of the device can reach a depth of 10-12 cm, activate sleeping cells, rebuild damaged cells, destroy free radicals, stimulate the body’s ability to fight diseases, raises common tones, prevents diseases.


What is the cell activator for?

The cell activator activates cells. It quickly clears the meridians and lymph, promotes microcirculation and blood flow, and removes cold and dampness from the deep layers of the body (these are terms of traditional Chinese medicine, it is believed that the accumulation of cold, dampness and heat in the body are the causes of various ailments).


Using the theory of Chinese traditional medicine about meridians, the activator gives the best solutions for solving health problems: it reduces inflammation and swelling, lymph stagnation and colddamp symptoms (Chinese traditional medicine terms). After using the cell activator for thirty minutes, this procedure, according to its effectiveness, can be compared to ten acupuncture sessions, twenty vacuum cup procedures, thirty times manual massage.


Benefits of using cell activator

Stimulates metabolism and microcirculation; Helps strengthen immunity; Helps the body to fight diseases on its own; Clears meridians, slows down the aging processes; Improves the work of essential body organs and the activities of the largest glands; Provides strength and energy.


How to use the cell activator?

Instructions for use:

Connect to the network, the red indicator will light up, the device is ready for work.

Turn on and press the power button for 2 seconds, the blue indicator will light up, the radiation function is on.

Press the speed adjustment button, speed level 1 will be activated. Press again if you want to activate the 2nd (higher) speed level.

To turn off the device, press the on/off button, it may be necessary to hold it for up to 5 seconds to completely turn off the device. Then pull the switch out of the socket.

While the device is connected to the network, it is possible to clean the accumulated dust from it by pressing and holding both buttons at the same time for up to 5 seconds. The reverse blow will start at this time the air outlet must be open.



1) It is recommended to use the following frequency: you can use it for a week, then take a break for 3-5 days, and then you can use it again. You can use the device for the same body parts no more than 1-2 times per day. Each time before the procedure, you need to drink 300-500 milliliters of water, after the procedure, rest for 5 minutes, and then drink another glass of water.

2) During the procedure: first warm up the whole body, and then the main (painful) areas. At the end of the procedure, warm the insides of the palms and feet significantly to remove toxins. The effect will be even better if you drink three glasses of resonant water after the procedure.

3) After a 20-minute procedure, you should take a break of at least 5 minutes.

4) Do not use the device if you have cardiac pacemakers, electric pacemakers, strictly avoid places with metal implants, or prostheses.

5) People with hypertension are not recommended to do long procedures.

6) After the procedure, it is advisable not to get up quickly, especially for people with high blood pressure.

7) After the procedure, it is recommended not to be close to the conditioner for 2 hours, to go out in cold weather, wind, to bathe, to exercise intensively, intimate relationships and alcohol consumption are not recommended.


Contraindications and precautions:

1. Cardiovascular disease, coronary artery bypass grafting, implants (such as cardiac pacemakers, insulin pumps, stents, metal stents, silicone or injectable implants, etc.).

2. Open wounds and injuries;

3. Menstruation, pregnancies;

4. Diseases related to blood flow and blood spillage;

5. Hypertension and severe diabetes;

6. Mental disorders;

7. People with a high risk of getting sick, with oncological diseases, rare and difficult-to-treat diseases;

8. Fever, acute stage of the disease, severe inflammation, difficult-to-treat diseases;

9. Epilepsy;


Storage instructions: Store in a dry, clean place, protected from direct sunlight, at a temperature not higher than 25 degrees, the air humidity level should not exceed 75%.

Attention! This device is not a special medical device. If you suffer from any diseases, be sure to consult your doctor.


Additional information on cell activator

Terahertz (THz) radiation: the ideal way to activate cells.

The human body is a source of heat but can absorb and emit THz radiation waves. Due to the effect of high-frequency THz waves on the body, a large number of anions (negative ions) enter the cells, thereby eliminating the excessive accumulation of positive ions. Cells revive and recharge, metabolism accelerates, body temperature rises.

Normally, the structure of free radicals does not differ from a normal cell, but there are obvious changes (local deviations from the norm). Free radicals interfere with the transmission of THz waves and absorb the energy of these waves. In the part of the free radicals where there are local changes, the absorbed energy accumulates in large quantities, which causes their temperature to rise excessively. And then the free radicals are destroyed.

After free radicals are removed, the negative factors associated with them are also removed, and the body begins to recover. Terahertz radiation is safe for humans. This radiation comes from all physical bodies above 10 degrees Celsius, its energy is 1/40 of sunlight.



Cell Activator

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