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Antibacterial gel FOHERB consists of natural plant extracts with antibacterial action and natural bioactive components. It not only has a disinfectant and spermicidal effect, but also provides preventive care and protection. 


1. Antibacterial and antiviral action FOHERB antibacterial gel is injected directly into the vagina and releases active substances that effectively destroy human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1), human papillomavirus (HPV) and other various pathogenic bacteria. The gel also has a pronounced therapeutic effect for various inflammatory diseases and prevents the spread of infection to the pelvic organs through the ascending route.

2. Cleansing FOHERB antibacterial gel helps remove senescent (old) cells and blood clots that have accumulated in the uterus and vagina for a long time, as well as remove incompletely exfoliated endometrium, menstrual blood residues and toxins, thus protecting and maintaining women's health.

3. Nutrition The special components included in the FOHERB antibacterial gel effectively nourish the vaginal mucosa, stimulate the metabolism and secretion of cervical cells, thereby preventing contraction and thickening of the epithelium of the vaginal mucosa.

4. Moisturizing The gel is water-based and contains various moisturizing components, effectively maintaining the natural humidity and PH balance of the internal environment of the vagina, and also helps prevent dryness and other uncomfortable sensations during intimacy, thereby improving sexual life.


Prevention and treatment of diseases such as bacterial vaginosis, fungal colpitis, trichomonas vaginitis, cervical erosion, age-related colpitis, adnexitis and various other inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs; effective for chloasma, uterine fibroids, polyps and cysts of different locations.



  • Use 1 tube before bed, there are 6 tubes in one package, 4 packages are required for one course of treatment. After each course of treatment it is necessary to take a break of 3-5 days.
  • When treating fungal vaginitis, trichomonas vaginitis, bacterial vaginitis and other inflammatory diseases, 2-3 courses of treatment are required, when treating cervical erosion - about 4-5 courses.
  • For genital itching, apply a small amount of FOHERB antibacterial gel to the problem area to relieve symptoms. 
  • As a safe method of contraception, use the gel immediately before sexual intercourse.
  • For vaginal itching and foul-smelling discharge, two applications are sufficient to relieve symptoms. You may also experience light bleeding during ovulation, a physiological phenomenon also known as ovulation bleeding.


Precautions: For external use only. When treating infectious diseases, the amount of discharge and blood clots from the vagina increases. This is due to the fact that after administration of the drug, bacteria die and infectious toxins are released. Side effects may occur in the form of a local reaction: burning sensation, itching and irritation (especially at the beginning of therapy), rarely in some cases - an allergic reaction. It is necessary to continue using the drug to achieve a therapeutic effect. Side effects occur as a result of the fact that the drug stimulates the elimination of toxins, which have a local irritating effect.


Warning: When using the gel, the volume of blood discharge may increase, this is due to the fact that the uterus is cleansed of stagnant blood clots. Since FOHERB antibacterial gel has a spermicidal effect, it is not recommended for use by those planning a pregnancy.


Do not use during menstruation, pregnant women. 


Foherb Antibacterial Gel

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