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The formulation of Foherb Oral Liquid is based on the theory of the balance of Yin and Yang energies and is produced using a unique patented production and processing technology. The elixir normalizes the balance between Yin and Yang, strengthens the immune system, prevents the formation of tumors and has many other beneficial properties.


Ingredients: Chinese cordyceps, Lingzhi mushrooms, Shiitake mushrooms, honey, etc.


Key functions:

1. Normalises the balance of Yin and Yang and strengthens the immune system. Cordyceps stimulates the production of immune cells and specific antibodies in the body, increases the number of phagocytic cells and T-killers, and enhances the functions of some immune cells.


2. Anti-tumour effect. A weakened immune system is one of the main causes of neoplastic diseases, their occurrence, and the development of metastasis and relapse. Experts believe that Cordyceps has a strong anti-tumor effect due to its immune-enhancing properties.


3. Restores energy at the cellular level and fighting fatigue. Cordyceps help to provide the body with energy at the mitochondrial level while improving the body's ability to withstand cold and fight fatigue.


4. Normalises cardiac activity. Cordyceps increases the heart's ability to tolerate hypoxia, helps reduce oxygen consumption in the heart muscle, and neutralizes cardiac arrhythmias.


5. Normalises liver activity. Cordyceps reduces the risk of toxic liver damage by reducing the damage caused by toxic substances and fighting the development of hepatic fibrosis. In addition, by improving the functions of the immune system, it promotes the liver's resistance to viral hepatitis.


6. Normalises respiratory activity. Cordyceps stimulates bronchodilation, thus relieving the condition of asthma. It has an expectorant effect and prevents the development of pulmonary emphysema.


7. Normalises kidney activity. Cordyceps alleviates the condition of chronic kidney disease by improving kidney function and reducing the harmful effects of toxic substances.


8. Normalises hematopoietic function. Cordyceps improves bone marrow function and stimulates the production of platelets, and red and white blood cells.


9. Normalises lipid and blood sugar levels. Cordyceps helps to reduce the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood and increases the level of high-density alpha lipoproteins in the blood, thus preventing the development of atherosclerosis.


10. Other functions. Cordyceps has an antiviral effect and regulates the CNS and sexual function.


Indications for use: Malaise; various lung, liver and kidney diseases; cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases; diabetes mellitus; weakened immune system and long recovery period after illness; 

Directions for use:  1 bottle a day (15 ml in the morning and 15 ml in the evening). Before use, shake the bottle.

Contraindications: Individual intolerance to ingredients.

Storage conditions: Store in a cool, dry place, away from light, at a temperature not exceeding +25°C. Once opened, keep the bottle in the refrigerator for no more than 48 hours.

Packaging: 6 bottles of 30 ml.

Net weight: 180 g.

Foherb Oral Liquid

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