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The elixir has three main functions: intestinal cleansing, toxin removal and blood lipid normalization. The elixir is made from natural ingredients and contains no chemical or hormonal additives.


Ingredients: Aloe Vera (Aloe Barbadensis), Lion's mane,  Chitin, Ginkgo leaves, Japanese honeysuckle leaves and flowers, etc. 


Why is bowel cleansing necessary?

The human intestine is about 5-6 metres long, with a fold every 3.5 cm (there are about 100 folds in the entire intestine). These folds can hold up to 3kg of food waste which ferment, rot and dry to form black, smelly and toxic deposits. If these deposits are not removed in time, they will continue to enter the body through the intestines.


Why is it necessary to cleanse the body of toxins?

1. External causes:

  • Air pollution (dust, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, volatile substances from coal and oil combustion), indoor pollution, 80% of cases with formaldehyde levels above the normal range;
  • Water pollution (industrial effluents, especially toxic effluents that cannot be treated, polluted water sources, etc.); 3) Contamination of food with pesticide residues (fruit, cereals, vegetables, tea, etc.); excessive use of chemical fertilisers; use of feeds that shorten the growth period of poultry, etc.).


2. Internal causes:

  • Large amounts of metabolic waste are deposited in the body in the form of hot toxins, cold toxins, post-seasonal toxins, wet toxins and various heavy metal ions (TCM terms and concepts);
  • Changes in physiological and psychological factors lead to endocrine disruption, resulting in inflammation of the heart, liver, lungs, stomach, etc., as well as constipation, acne, pimples, obesity, etc.


Why is blood cleansing necessary?

The rising standard of living encourages people to overeat (meat, fatty foods), so fatty plaques continue to accumulate in the blood and blood viscosity increases. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide, and diseases such as diabetes, fatty liver, cirrhosis, gallstones and obesity are on the rise.


Directions for use: 1 bottle a day (15 ml in the morning and 15 ml in the evening). Before use, shake the bottle.

Contraindications: Individual intolerance to the ingredients, pregnancy, lactation.

Storage conditions: Store in a cool, dry place away from light, at a temperature not exceeding +25°C. Once opened, keep the bottle in the refrigerator for no more than 48 hours.

Packaging: 6 bottles of 30 ml.

Net weight: 180 g.


Sanqing Oral Liquid

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