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It is a natural composition that cleans blood vessels, regulates lipid levels, stabilizes blood pressure, and improves health.


We recommend using this preparation if:

1. You have elevated total cholesterol, triglycerides and/or HDL in your blood.

2. Your blood pressure is abnormal, you have mild myocardial ischemia (e.g. frequent shortness of breath, chest tightness) or you experience symptoms of diseases of the heart and cerebrovascular system.

3. You are characterized by a stressful lifestyle, lack of physical activity and/or overweight and are at risk of developing heart and cerebrovascular diseases; as well as if any of the family members have hereditary disorders of the heart and cerebrovascular system.


Key Ingredients: Phytosterol Esters Powder, Kudzu Root Powder, Puffed Buckwheat Flour, Hawthorn Powder, Grape Powder, Yeast Beta Glucan, Vitamin C, Zinc Gluconate.


  • HAWLEY FLAVANOIDS It reduces the amount of lipids in the blood and strengthens the cardiovascular system, increases the patency of the coronary arteries, strengthens the heart, regulates arrhythmia, lowers blood pressure, thins the blood and protects the endothelial cells of the blood vessels.
  • NATURAL POLYPHENOL RESVERATROL Most resveratrol is found in grape skins. It reduces blood viscosity, inhibits platelet aggregation and vasodilatation, prevents the formation of thrombus, coronary diseases, has a preventive and therapeutic effect on cardiac ischemia and hyperlipidemia, and also helps prevent the formation of tumors
  • VEGETABLE STEROL It is a sterol, similar in structure and chemical properties to cholesterol. Being in the small intestine, it can inhibit the absorption, catabolism and biosynthesis of cholesterol, thus effectively preventing and treating heart ischemia and other diseases. Micro amounts of this active substance are naturally present in food.
  • BETA GLUCAN Due to the high viscosity of beta-glucan, gastric emptying is inhibited, glucose absorption in the small intestine is slowed down. Beta glucan also suppresses postprandial blood sugar spikes and may have some preventive effects on diabetes; strengthens and activates the soldiers of the immune system - macrophages, thus increasing resistance to viruses, bacteria, fungi and other pathogenic microorganisms. At the same time, it reduces "bad cholesterol" (LDL), but does not affect "good cholesterol" (HDL), strengthens the effect of probiotics, balances the intestinal microflora, thus preventing diarrhea or constipation.
  • KUDZU ROOT POWDER Kudzu root powder increases the regenerative function of liver cells, helps restore normal liver function, promotes natural bile secretion, prevents fat accumulation in the liver; it also reduces total and LDL cholesterol in the blood, has an anticoagulant effect, effectively inhibits platelet aggregation, reduces blood viscosity, and reduces the risk of heart and cerebrovascular diseases. In addition, kudzu root powder has a significant hepatoprotective effect, reducing the risk of fatty liver.


Product quantity: 7g x 30 bags/packets

How to use: Pour the contents of one bag into 100-120 ml of warm boiled water, mix well and drink.

Allergen information: contains gluten-containing grains and their products, milk and its products.

Please note: consumption rate of yeast beta glucan ≤250 mg/d., consumption rate of phytosterol esters ≤3.9 g/d. Use no more than 3 sachets per day of this product. Not suitable for babies.


"Zhiyikang" is a natural blood vessel cleansing agent. Regulates lipid levels, stabilizes blood pressure, improves health!

ZYK Nutrient Powder

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