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Linchzhi mushroom is called the plant of immortality. A clear mind, a strong memory, the ability to quickly process information, and make the best decisions in every day and work situations are very important for a fulfilling life. 


Since old times it has been known, that Linchzhi is characterized by “soul soothing”, “wisdom awarding” and “memory sharpness” effects. Linchzhi is called “a plant of eternal youth”. The ingredients of  Linchzhi capsules include spawns and ascospores of Chinese Ganoderma – the most valuable kind of Linchzhi. The preparation is a source of polysaccharides, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Cell membrane splitting technology helps to save the active ingredients of the raw material to the maximum, and high technologies multiply the absorbtion of the active components many times.


Functional effects: 

  • Slow down the aging process

  • Improves mood and increases working capacity

  • Improves head and spinal cord bloodstream

  • Regulate the nervous system

  • Has an anti-tumor effect


Ingredients: Linchzhi (Ganoderma Lucidum), Chinese Corcydeps. 

Directions for use:  Take 1-2 capsules twice a day. 

Contraindications: Individual intolerance to ingredients.

Storage conditions: Store in a room temperature away from direct light.

Packaging: 24 capsules

Net weight: 14.88g. 


Linchzhi Capsules

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