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Your feet are your second heart. The process of blood circulation in the whole body is closely connected with the feet - from standing to walking, and it determines the intensity and speed of blood circulation. If the feet are unhealthy, the blood vessels in them will not function properly, blood stagnation may occur in the lower limbs, and health problems are inevitable.


What are corrective insoles?

Corrective insoles mean skeletal and whole-body health. Due to gravity, metabolic disorders, force, pressure and occupational characteristics, the spine is distorted and this determines the distortion of the entire skeleton. 80 per cent of all health problems are related in one way or another to skeletal misalignment. The skeleton supports the entire body, and the spinal cord is the basis of the central nervous system. If a nerve is pinched due to skeletal misalignment, the propagation of impulses from the brain to the organs will be blocked, body functions and cell activity will be disturbed, and many problems will arise.


What are corrective insoles for?

Corrective insoles are designed to perfectly adapt to the curves of the foot, improve the stride, normalize the condition of the joints and reduce the pressure on the foot and joints when walking. The insoles are made by all anatomical features, they can normalise the balance of the body and significantly reduce the negative impact on the skeleton, bones and joints. 20,000 massage points activate the reflex zones of the foot. They use a magnetic field that has a deep healing effect. The particularly durable alloy ensures a long service life of the insoles.


Results of regular use of corrective insoles

Even distribution of pressure on the foot; stimulation of microcirculation in the blood vessels; massage of the foot reflex zones; correction of flat feet, high arches and other deformities of the foot; strengthening the correct shape of the foot; correction and normalisation of distorted bones. Corrective insoles help to distribute weight evenly and move correctly while improving posture and normalizing the axial balance of the skeleton.


The way insoles work

Corrective insoles are made taking into account the structure of the foot and the principles of ergonomics. There are 20,000 correction points in the insoles, they distribute the pressure on the foot, create a correct arch of the foot, form a safe support point for the whole body, stimulate the circulatory system, the nervous system, the lymphatic system and the secretory organs of the brain. Bones are surrounded by muscles, if there is uneven pressure in the foot, the muscles grow unevenly and the bones become misaligned. The use of insoles supports the foot, distributes the weight, softens the reflexes, allows the muscles to grow evenly and balances out the bone irregularities.

Orthopedic Insole

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