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Terms & Conditions


The following Terms & Conditions apply to the use of this website as well as all purchases made through the site, in the following called "seller", and they form the exclusive basis for all orders, deliveries, and services provided by the seller to his customers. Regulations which deviate from these Terms & Conditions are only applicable if they are confirmed by the seller in writing. These Terms & Conditions apply to both, the private customer and the business customer.


Signing the contract

The contract between the customer and the seller comes into effect with the seller sending out the order confirmation to the customer via e-mail which the customer receives as soon as he successfully has completed an order. 


Supply restrictions and changes

In case a product ordered by a customer or a comparable product is not available because the seller's supplier cannot supply this product, then the seller has the right to withdraw from his contract with his customer. In this case, the seller will immediately inform his customer that the delivery of that particular product is not possible and will reimburse the purchase price, in case it already has been paid.


Prices and shipping costs

All prices mentioned on the website of the seller are final prices. However, for some shipping countries VAT and/or import duty may be applicable which the customer has to pay to the appropriate tax or customs authorities of the delivery country before the order can be delivered.

The shipping costs are not included in the prices. They will be shown during the order process and added to the total billing amount.


Payment of merchandise

Payment is due when the customer receives the order confirmation. Customers usually can choose between 2 forms of payment which are credit card (MasterCard, VISA Card, and American Express Card) and PayPal (in a few countries payment is only possible via PayPal). 


Delivery of merchandise

Ordered goods are being delivered to the shipping address which the customer provided when he placed his order. The seller delivers orders world-wide. In case due to acts of God's will an order cannot be delivered or other services cannot be provided, then there is no further liability from the seller's side other than immediately refunding those amounts which the customer already may have paid. In case attempts to deliver an order at the location of the customer's shipping address fail twice, then the purchase contract is automatically terminated. In this case, amounts already having been paid by the customer will be refunded after the merchandise, which could not be delivered to the customer, has been returned to the seller. In case there is a delay with an order fulfillment of more than 4 weeks and the customer can prove that this delay is unreasonable for him, then the customer, after a reasonable grace period, can withdraw from his contract free of charge.


Retention of title

As long as the customer has not fulfilled all his financial obligations from his purchase contract towards the seller, all the merchandise which may already have been delivered to the customer remains the property of the seller. As long as this retention of title prevails, the customer is not allowed to sell the merchandise or use it; in particular, the customer is not allowed to contractually grant the right to use the merchandise to any third party.


Liability for payment of damages

In case of simple negligence, the seller is only liable as far as it violated contractual duties and the liability is limited to the foreseeable damage. The seller is not liable for damages caused easily negligently due to some defects of the purchased item.


Use of personal data

The seller's Privacy Notice can be accessed by clicking on "Privacy Notice" in the menu bar.


Severability clause

If a rule of these Terms & Conditions for any reason should be invalid or become invalid, then this does not touch the validity of the other rules and conditions.



The content on this page is for general information purposes only – it is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. You are advised to confirm any information obtained from or through this page with other sources and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have read on or accessed through this page. The FOHOW UK is not responsible or liable for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or products that you obtain through our web site.


Legal Notice

The entire contents of this website are copyrighted by the owner of this website and by third parties. Any reproduction, publication, or distribution of material contained on this website requires prior approval in writing by this website's owner. All information on this website is being provided to the best of the owner's knowledge in regard to its accuracy and completeness, however, no guarantee is given for the information to always be fully up-to-date, correct, and complete. Contents of this website can be changed and updated without prior notice. The owner of this website does not take any responsibility for the contents of web pages which can be reached from this website via links. External links have been checked for illegitimate contents at the time of placing the link, and no such contents were apparent, however, there is no obligation to constantly monitor the contents of such external links.


Registered trademarks and brand names which can be found on this website are the property of their respective owners.

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